1887 Blouses


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  Title & Description # & Price
1887 Corsage w/Pleated Surah Vest

38 Bust - 23 Waist

This corsage was made of striped wool in grayish-blue shades, with collar, cuffs and revers of velvet of the darkest tint in the stripes.  The vest was of cream-colored Surah silk in the open front.  The right front has a pointed overlapping piece fastened by four buttons, with a triangular opening at the top and a small space at the bottom in which the vest is displayed.

Yardage - Approx 1 1/2 yd Stripe, 1 yd velvet, 1 yd Surah Silk 45" wide




1006-Natalie Plate                       1006-Karen Murphy-Linden                    1006 - Alice Armstrong                             1006 -Morgane Thomson                    1006 - Tanya                                  

1887 Corsage w/Velvet Yoke & Bodice

36 Bust - 23 Waist

This blouse corsage for a young girl's afternoon dress of cashmere or veiling has a bodice, yoke, collar and cuffs of darker contrasting velvet.  The body is pleated to the yoke, but there is a tight fitting lining underneath.

Approx - 2 yds light colored fabric, 1 yd dark velvet, 1 yd inner lining for bodice 45" wide




1019 Millicent Rene                 1019 & TV294 - Jenniver Sparano


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