1892 Girls


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  Title & Description # & Price
1892 Frock for Girl 7-9 Yrs

26 Bust - 22 Waist

This little frock was made of blue and white striped crepon, combined with plain blue.  The straight skirt of the striped wool is lined with cambric; the top is gather to a band.

Yardage - 2 1/2 yds striped 44" wide, 1 1/4 yds plain 44" wide



1892 Little Girl's Cloak

One Size

The little coat illustrated was of fine striped cream crepon with a lining of white veiling of chin flannel, and is edged with guipure lace.

Yardage - Approx 2 3/4 yds 45" wide




1157 - Jeanette Murray

1892 Little Girl's Jacket

22 Chest

This little jacket was originally made of blue flannel with blue anchors embroidered in the corners of the collar.

Yardage - Approx 1 3/4 yds 36" wide




1159 - Micha Geary

1892 Frock & Chemise for Girl 1-3 Yrs

24 Chest

The little frock was made of white batiste and embroidery.  The chemise of domestic cambric and finished at neck and armholes with insertion and edging.

Yardage - Approx 2 1/4 yds 45" wide for both



1892 White & Blue Sailor Dress for Girl 3-5 Yrs

22 Chest - 19 Waist

This little frock can be made either of serge or flannel; it is partly white and partly navy blue.  The skirt, which is sewed to the bodice, is of blue serge and is bordered with a white serge box-pleating and is surrounded with two rows of white Hercules braid.  I is ornamented with a ribbon bow and an embroidered anchor.

Yardage - 2 yds blue 44" wide, 1 1/2 yds white 44" wide




1312 - Shannon Bacon

1892 Blue Apron for Girl 2-5 Yrs

24 Chest

This apron was made of blue spotted cambric, with blue embroidery for trimming.  The straight skirt is hemmed at the bottom and the upper edge is gathered and joined to the corded lower edge of the waist.

Yardage - Approx 2 yds 36" wide



1892 Frock for Girl 5-7 Yrs

22 Chest

This little frock has a yoke of white Irish point embroidery over colored silk.  It can be made of plain white or of striped wool as shown in the two views given of it, and was trimmed with ribbon ruches.

Yardage - 3 3/4 yds 44" wide



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