1894 Blouses


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  Title & Description # & Price
1894 House Waist

36 Bust - 25 Waist

This blouse waist was originally of silk, cashmere, or flannel, and ornamented with slight vines of embroidery don in silk to match and tinsel thread.  The waist has a fitted lining.  Design for embroidery included.

Yardage - 3 1/4 yds 50" wide




1065 & 1069 Gail Gosser          1065 - Morgane Thomeson

1894 4 Summer Waists

36 Bust - 24 Waist

The first of this group of waists is of gray and black striped silk.  The front is tucked crosswise and box-pleated, and the back is plain and merely gathered at the waist.  The dotted batiste blouse, figs. 2 and 6 has a yoke front and pleated back; it is fastened at the back with an invisible buttonhole fly.  Figs. 3 and 5 is a handsome white crépon blouse made on a fitted lining.  Fig. 4 is a figured pink batiste blouse, trimmed with narrow white insertion, and with a ribbon belt.

Yardage - Approx 4 yds 45" wide each



1894 3 Silk Shirt Waists

34 Bust - 24 Waist

Fig. 1 is a white and red dotted silk blouse, the plain baggy front of which is one of the favorite designs of the season.  The blouse fig. 2, which is of violet, black and white cross-striped silk, is fastened at the back.  Fig. 3 is a blouse of checkered black, gray, and white silk, trimmed with cream lace insertion.

Yardage - Depends upon which blouse is chosen



1894 Young Lady's Sailor Blouse

37 Bust - 25 Waist

The blouse illustrated is of white serge, trimmed with black braid.

Yardage - 2-1/2 yds serge 44" wide, 10 yds 1/4" braid



1894 Silk Evening Waist

36 Bust - 24 Waist

This evening or theatre waist is of fine striped yellow and white taffeta silk, trimmed with black guipure lace.

Yardage - 5 yds silk



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