1894 Reception Toilettes


1877 • 1878 • 1888 • 1889 • 1891 • 1892 • 1894

  Title & Description # & Price
1894 Reception Toilette for Elderly Lady

40 Bust - 28 Waist

Handsome silk in alternate wide stripes of Reseda satin and figured cream silk was employed for this gown, which has a full vest and stock collar of cream chiffon, and was trimmed with cream lace and green velvet chonz.

Yardage - Approx 13 yds 45" wide



1894 Reception Dress for Elderly Lady

40 Bust - 29 Waist

In the model, this dress is of violet brocade, with sleeves and collarette of velvet and an edging of sable fur.  the front opens a a tablier of mauve satin embroidered in mauve silk and gold thread.  The square neck and the edge of the sleeves are finished with ruches of mauve chiffon.

Yardage -Approx 10-1/3 yds 36" wide



1894 Moiré Reception Toilette for Elderly Lady

42 Bust - 30 Waist

This handsome gown for an elderly lady, to be worn at church weddings or receptions, is of black clouded moiré, trimmed with jetted net in the piece and in borders, and a narrow jet fringe.

Yardage - 16 yds of silk



1894 Princesse Gown w/Cord Trimming

37 Bust - 25 Waist

The gown illustrated is of dark green wool, trimmed with black silk cord and black satin ribbon, and relieved by a full shirred collar of light blue chiffon.  The model is fastened at the back under the trimming.

Yardage - 18 yds Wool 48" wide



1894 Toilette for Mother of the Bride

39 Bust - 28 Waist

Brocade in violet shades, with a violet velvet collar and jet embroidey, is the material of this reception gown in the model.

Yardage - 15 yds Brocade, 1-5/8 yds velvet



1894 Cerise Faille Dinner or Reception Dress

36 Bust - 23 Waist

The gown illustrated is of cerise faille, relieved by a vest and short puffed sleeves of cream mousseline de soie, and trimmed with applique vines of yellowish guipure lace.

Yardage - 13 yds silk, 4-1/2 yds of mousseline de soie



1877 • 1878 • 1888 • 1889 • 1891 • 1892 • 1894

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